
Odrobina zimy

Dopiero w samym środku zimy przekonałem się, że noszę w sobie niepokonane lato 

[Albert Camus]

Zimą w Beskidach [Winter in the Beskid Mountains]
| Sony A100 | MAF 24-105/3,5-4,5 | ISO 100 | 105 mm | f/9 |  1/500 s | +0,7 EV |

7 komentarzy:

  1. apparemment , vous avez du retard, il y a déjà quelqu'un là -haut et ils on pris de l'avance ah j'y suis , ce sont ces sacrés lapins de montagne.
    bonne chasse et bonne pioche Jarek, la photo est magnifique
    happy easter to you from jorge r.r

  2. Very got the volume of the white areas. Difficult but what you achieved. Congratulations good composition. a hug

  3. Wonderful, we've still got some snow left in Norway too, not so much in Oslo, but I'm going to our cottage up in the mountains today, so I will have snow in some hours to come.
    I would have used my skies here, not walked by foot, but then again, might not have gotten the image.

  4. A photo that is a perfect invitation to snow skiing.

    Beautiful whiteness.

  5. Thanks. I very much appreciate your comments and insights. Have a nice days

  6. Una imagen preciosa.
    La luz que has captado es increible
    Me gusta mucho
    Un beso
