
Semper invicta

Syreną w herbie swoim szczyci się Warszawa, 
Z syreny jednej grobu Neapolu sława. 
Coś więcej nad Neapol ma Warszawa przecie, 
Warszawa miast królowa na sarmackim świecie. 

[Józef Epifani Minasowicz]

Warszawska Syrenka [The Mermaid - Symbol of Warsaw]
| NEX 5 | SAL 18-55/3,5-5,6 | ISO 400 | 16 mm | f/11 | 1/10 s |

25 komentarzy:

  1. Great composition and a B / N flawless.
    Pozdrowienia z Katalonii

  2. Beautiful place. I would like to know Poland

  3. To najładniejsze ujęcie Syrenki jakie widziałam! Od strony gołębia, że tak powiem...;)

  4. Muy buena fotografía!!!...las palomas en primer plano le dan mucha fuerza, felicidades!!!

    Un gran abrazo, Jarek!!! ;)

  5. Nice shot - I like this in black and white, too. Very effective.
    Please come share at

  6. It was a brave mermaid. ;-)
    Excellent point of view.

  7. Wonderful composition, delicious sculpture, pretty picture!

  8. B/W format is absolutely for this subject material. Dynamite image!
    JM, Illinois-U.S.A.

  9. Beautiful tonal quality to a wonderful photo!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  10. Excellent bw shot!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  11. Fantastic picture, lovely composition and a great perspective.

  12. Great black and white capture. Love the birds view from below!

  13. Cracking shot! I think street pictures are often improved by pigeons!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  14. I like the Mermaid of Warsaw legend. Strength and loyalty.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  15. Nice poem, Jarek. I had to get Google to translate if for me as it is the only one in the house who knows Polish. I don't know Polish but I do know the square. It was dry the day I was there and I used the rest room in a restaurant to the back of the photographer.
    Later we bought from a vender stand there a 17 mm high, 14 mm diameter, cylindrical ceramic container for kitchen utensils and a matching spoon rest. It is a popular Polish pattern, I have seen dish sets with the same pattern in stores here. Color was a predominant dark blue stenciled in with an array of holes showing the underneath ceramic of a mottled ivory or bone color. There was a brown set of lines around the top.
    We may have to come back as I broke the spoon rest and we haven't seen those in the States.

  16. Linda foto! Por aqui há muitos desses pombos, eu não gosto deles...

  17. Beautiful offset from birds, to statue, to buildings to sky. :-)

  18. A very classy balck and white shot. I so love mermaids and I even have a Barbie Mermaid doll! I like her because her fins slip off and she is a regular doll too! I am silly for dolls. I am enjoying your city and seeing the wolrd thru others eyes. Thank you and stop by for a visit soon. My post is in two parts but the link only takes you to the second one. Have a greta weekend.

  19. thank you for sharing your lovely photo with sky watch Friday

    my blog moved to

  20. Great shot. Love the low angle.

  21. Prawda, coś jest w tej Syrence. Symbol potężny i tak jakoś Warszawa dzięki niej brzmi poważniej. Ktoś by powiedział, że stolica jak każda inna, ale każde miasto jest unikatowe, zwłaszcza nasze po II wojnie światowej.

  22. Lovely shot! I was inspired to go find my own photo of this same place for this week's meme...
    Thank you for joining us at the Travel Tuesday meme. I look forward to your next contribution!
