
Nocna zadymka / Night Blizzard

Senność gęsta jak śnieg i krążąca jak śnieg
Zasypuje śnieżnymi płatkami sennymi
Bezprzyczynny mój dzień, bezsensowny mój wiek
I te ślady bezładnych moich kroków po ziemi.

[Julian Tuwim - "Zadymka" (fragment)]

Burza śnieżna. Kościół Wizytek w Warszawie w Warszawie [Blizzard. Visitationist Church in Warsaw]
| Sony A100 | MAF 24-105/3,5-4,5 | ISO 800 | 24 mm | f/5,6 | 1/10 s |

20 komentarzy:

  1. Piękne zdjęcie. Podziwiam za taką wytrwałość i odporność na zimno :)

  2. Awesome wintery mood!! Very beautiful bw!

  3. Fabulous! The church and snowstorm captured in B&W makes the photo more dramatic. I can almost feel the wind against my face and the heavy showers of storm piling on my shoulders. Brr, I hope the skies were blue the following morning. :) Thanks for sharing and please feel free to link up with me for not-so Wordless Wednesday, my friend!

  4. magnificent capture of the 'night blizzard' ~

    Wishing you a lovely week ~ ^_^

  5. The detail of falling snow, creating diagonal lines, was awesome.
    What a splendid moment.

  6. What a great photo and the building is lovely even with the snow. So enjoyed visiting your blog.

    Thank you for visiting and linking up.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

  7. Preciosa y desde luego muy bien transmitido ese sentimiento de frío intenso. Un abrazo

  8. Oooo, I love how you were able to capture the snow in the shot. Well done.

    Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens www.lisakerner-slp.cpm

  9. Beautiful capture in the snow, and how the light falls on the stature!
    A kind reminder to share it with ALL SEASONS (have extended the link list till Thursday, so there's still time to link up your stunning photo!) Hope to see you there!

  10. With a mit atmosfere a superb church and detail of falling snow
    Great composition

  11. Wow such a dramatic winter scene!

  12. Terrific shot that is even more spectacular in black and white! Wow!

  13. I love the way the bright white snow is picking out the statue


  14. Very powerful photo. Great.

  15. Many thanks for sharing the bishop and the church with ALL SEASONS! The minimal light is just beautiful! Have a lovely week:)
