
Dwieście tysięcy / Two hundred thousand

To juz cztery lata.... W styczniu minął czwarty rok, odkąd zamieściłem pierwszy wpis na moim blogu. Dzisiaj publikuję tysiąc trzeci wpis, a opublikowanych zdjęć nie jestem już się w stanie doliczyć. W ciągu tego czasu mój blog odwiedziło ponad 200 000 osób.

Miło mi, że tu zaglądacie... Dziękuję.

A z okazji "jubileuszu" chciałbym wrócić do mojego ulubionego zdjęcia. Myslę, że świetnie pasuje to tej okazji.

W drogę [Hit the road]
Sony A-700 | MAF 28-135/4-4,5 | ISO 400 | 90 mm | f/10 | 1/160 s

20 komentarzy:

  1. Serdecznie gratuluję:) Zdjęcie faktycznie jest świetne

  2. For some time now I have enjoyed seeing your excellent photographs. This particular photograph is terrific, and well worthy of being posted again. The composition is amazing. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. Keep up the good work.

  3. The path is winding and long.

    A photo that is an excellent metaphor for our lives.

  4. Čestitam. Ta fotografija je res waw - nisem pričakovala krave :)
    Všeč mi je, da imaš BW blog. Tudi jaz uživam v BW fotografijah.

  5. świetne !
    gratuluję i ciągłości życzę ;)

  6. Congratulations and what a great idea to return to your favorite photos ~ this one is beautiful in its simplicity and perspective and composition ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  7. I love the drama of black and white. And the perspective is lovely.

  8. Well done. That's a long road.

  9. I am new to visiting your blog. So nice to visit and see this great photo you're sharing. Also, thanks for visiting and linking up with me.


  10. this is my first visit to your blog. Love this photo - so simple but beautiful!

  11. Such a brilliant composition


  12. This is the BEST photograph I have ever seen with a road less traveled. This image has a story. Excellent choice of black and white format. Composition is perfect. In my opinion, you have what they call a photographer's eye.

  13. Congratulations on 200K visitors and four years of fotoblog blogging. I love this photo, the cow is looking at it like, "No, I don't think so."

  14. This is no simple, it's so hard to catch view like this.

  15. Congratulations on your four year milestone! That's a lot of writing and photos! I can see why this shot is a favorite, it tells a great story :)

  16. Great picture, thanks for sharing.

  17. Love black and white fotos. Thanks so much for sharing and linking up.

  18. That's a long road. Beautiful capture, really great perspective. <3
